Minggu, 18 September 2016

Research Technician in Tumour Cell Biology

University of Birmingham - Institute of Cancer and Genomic Sciences

Fixed term for 12 months
Applications are invited for a full-time Research Technician post to work under the supervision of Dr. Mathew Coleman, Senior Lecturer in tumour cell biology, on a project funded by an MRC research grant and a Breast Cancer Now pilot grant to investigate the role of protein hydroxylation in cancer. The project will ask how this important new post-translational modification regulates tumourigenesis using a multi-disciplinary approach involving cell biology, biochemistry, proteomics and genomics.
The successful applicant will have gained an upper second or first class degree, or equivalent professional qualification, in a suitable subject and will be able to demonstrate laboratory experience in relevant techniques. Experience in cell and molecular biology, genomics and immunohistochemistry would be an advantage.
The post is full-time for a period of 1 year from Sept 2016. Informal enquiries should be directed to Dr. Mathew Coleman (m.coleman@bham.ac.uk).
To download the details of this position and submit an electronic application online please click on the Apply Online button below, please quote the appropriate Job Ref in all enquiries, alternatively information can be obtained from www.hr.bham.ac.uk
Valuing excellence; sustaining investment

Dear Dr. Mathew Coleman,
As a highly skilled in biologycal researcher, I read the posting for a new tumour cell researcher with interest. With more than 15 years experience, I am certain I would make a valuable addition in this research. I currently work in University of Singapore.
As a researcher, I am adept  in cell and molecular biology, genomics and immunohistochemistry reasearch. Moreover, I got many awards in Singapore for Biological awards. those are my awards :
1. Best biotechnology researcher 2011
2. Best cell interaction researcher 2013
3. Best young researcher 2013

Thanks again for the opportunity to present this proposal. If you have any question, please let me know by contact anandakukuhh@yahoo.com. I look forward to speaking with you in the coming days.

dr. Ananda K. Adishabri

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