Senin, 16 Januari 2017


March 25th 2000, a baby was born in Surabaya exactly at Vincentius A. Paulo Hospital. Then, his great grand father gave him “Ananda Kukuh Adishabri” as his name. it means strong and patience boy, and that was me.

Different from the other kids, I didn’t live with my parents. I lived with my grandfather and my grandmother until I was 10. It was hard for me to not live with parents like other kids. I was felt closer to my grandfather than my parents. When I was a kid, my body was fat and everyone called me “ndut”. I always angry because of it.

I entered play group in 2003. Every Monday until Friday, my driver and my babysitter always accompany me to play group. I remembered, when my mother back to Surabaya, she teached me to read and it was so fun. My mother always told me that reading newspaper is so fun so I was always in a spirit to learn how to read.

I entered kindergarten in 2004. I started to have a lot of friends. In this moment, I finally can write and read well.  Even I was always looked happy, in  the other side, sometimes I missed my parent so much. My hobbies were dancing and I also participated in some dance competition.

2006, i entered elementary school. in this moment, i started to have goals. i want to be rich, i want to be smart, i want to have big houses with some expensive cars, i want to be a successfull person in the future. but, i only have goals without knowing how to reach it. all i knew was about study for good grades.

2012, al-azhar 20 cianjur JHS accepted me as their student. in this moment, i started to understand the true meaning of goals. i want to be a person who always bring happiness to others. yes, i want to be a doctor. i started to find news about this job. i feel like i fit in to be a doctor because i like biology subject. i like to go deep into this subject and i often participated biology competition.

2015, i chose 3 HS of bandung to be my high school. i believe that if we want to be the best, we must choose the best environment, and i think this school has good environment and will make me feel more confident to reach my goals. i'm feeling very grown here. i'm getting more understand about doctor. how can i become a doctor, where i have to study, what should i do to pursue it. yes, i have to study hard. because i believe that when have a strong purpose, hard work isn't an option, it's a must.

i hope in 2017, i can finish my study here in 3 HS and enter Faculty of medicine at Indonesia University. from the beginning, i always believe that if we start something great with strong and right intention, the ending will be good. and the last is pray. pray is the most important thing in life. person who never pray are the most arrogant people.

soon, when i finish my study in faculty of medicine, i want to continue my study. i want to be an obgyn, because i like to study about the anatomy an physiology of human.